There are times where getting a hard money loan can ease your problems and help you remodel or a property that you plan to sell for profit. Many people worry that hard money loans are either just handed out by loan sharks or are very expensive loans for desperate people. These are just misconceptions.
Loan sharks do not factor in when investors with a genuine goal in sight are lending money. They want to give their money to sincere business-minded people so that they can earn a return on the money that they would not get in a regular savings account or money market fund.
While interest rates on hard money loans are higher than regular loans, you can save money in the future. If you are fixing up a property to sell, you can pay it back quickly thereby saving money on interest and mortgage payments. You can get money in a short time, making it easy to snap up a good property.
Hard money loans are not at all for desperate people. In fact, most smart lenders will focus on the properties and people that really are worth their time. They are not out to prey on people who are about to lose their homes and have no value in their property at all.
Most lenders offer fewer hassles to getting their loans than regular banks do. Again, these are loans for people with enough time to provide the appropriate paperwork to the lenders to get the money. They are not the greatest choice for anyone who is in a rush to save their home. However, there are some cases where it might behoove a seller to use a hard money loan for a profitable sale in under six months where the loan can be paid in full.